Tuesday 23 September 2014

On the 17th of September the Waste Wise Wizards decided who is in charge of each bin at Marist Primary School. We have the paper bin monitors, garbage bin monitors and the recycling bin monitors.
We also decided what our Waste Wise Wizards shirts will look like, and made a Waste Wise Mascot. Our mascot is a penguin wizard named Pingoo, his features include a wizard hat and a wand. The colours of Pingoo are light blue, white, orange, dark blue, yellow, green, black and brown.

Sunday 7 September 2014

"We are the Wastewise Wizards !  We can make rubbish disappear!"
These are the words from Wastewise Wizards at school assembly last Friday.

These are some of the things the Wastewise Wizards will do:

  • Give away Wastewise stickers and 1000 house points to children who have litterless lunch. 
  • Empty recycling bins in the staff room, the office and the teaching rooms.
  • Wheel the three blue-lid Auckland Council recycling bins to the curb on Kitenui Ave every second Wednesday (even weeks)
  • Motivate the whole school to reduce, reuse and recycle with their innovative ideas. 

The list is endless ......

The Master Wizard